Sunday, February 27, 2011

Presentation Times

Hey Girls! Today I am going to show you how to make a cool presentation!

The Instructions will be Step-Step.

I hope that you will understand

If you don't understand, please Guestbook me

at Ryanne_10 and I will

tell you more information!

1st. You will need to open up Real Time HTML Editor (Picture Below)

2nd. You will need to go to the blog Official HTML Pages.

3rd. Go to "Codes"

4th. You will find all Codes.

5th. You will need to select a code.

6th. Copy and Paste it in the Real Time HTML Editor.

7th. Type what you want after the code or where ever it is.

8th. Then save it to your presentation.

9th. It will say Forbidden Language and then scroll down move the pieces where ever you want and then Click "SAVE"

Hope that helped a Little Bit!

